What is a Chine, What is a Dene?

Posted on 30/06/2016 By

Alum Chine, Westbourne

What is a Chine, What is a Dene? Bournemouth has four chines – Alum, Middle, Durley and Boscombe. There are several more along the Dorset coast, and elsewhere – particularly the Isle of Wight. But, what is a Chine? Typically, a chine is a deep, steep-sided ravine formed by a river flowing through to the…

West Overcliff Drive & Surrounds, Westbourne

Posted on 29/06/2016 By

West Overcliff Drive & Surrounds

West Overcliff Drive & Surrounds, Westbourne. West Overcliff Drive runs along the cliff top between Durley Chine and Alum Chine. It loops round and over Middle Chine. It would appear that the eastern section is perhaps older than the western section, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the eastern section loops back round to West…

Middle Chine, Westbourne, Bournemouth

Posted on 27/06/2016 By

Sign pointing to Middle Chine, Westbourne

Middle Chine, Westbourne, Bournemouth Middle Chine is one of the smaller chines. It runs from West Cliff Road, at the junction of West Overcliff Drive, down to the beach. It is roughly half-way between Durley Chine and Alum Chine.It is easy to imagine Victorian men in their top hat and tails, with the ladies in…

A Brief Look at Holiday Accommodation in Westbourne

Posted on 26/06/2016 By

Holiday Accommodation in Westbourne.Riviera Hotel and Apartments, Burnaby Road.

A Brief Look at Holiday Accommodation in Westbourne. Since the Victorian times, people have been coming to Bournemouth to enjoy the relaxation and health benefits of the area. As late as 1851, the entire population of Bournemouth only amounted to 695 people! Just 30 years later, it was nearly 17,000. Westbourne has also grown, and,…

A Look at West Cliff Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth

Posted on 25/06/2016 By

Holiday Accommodation in Westbourne. The Cleveland Hotel. West Cliff Road, Westbourne.

A look at West Cliff Road, Westbourne. West Cliff Road, Westbourne, is a cliff top thoroughfare. It runs from the junction of Tregonwell and Priory Roads at the east end (just up from the BIC), until its rather ignominious end when it meets Alum Chine Road. It enters Westbourne just as it passes the top…

A Brief Guide to Residential Care Homes in Westbourne

Posted on 24/06/2016 By

Residential Care Homes in Westbourne

A Brief Guide to Residential Care Homes in Westbourne. There are several residential care homes in Westbourne, from the small, independently owned, to large, plush chains. Two are next door to each other in Poole Road, but couldn’t be more different from each other. On the one hand, there is Sunrise Senior Living. With 27…

A Brief Look at Bus Routes in Westbourne

Posted on 23/06/2016 By

Bus routes in Westbourne

A Brief Look at Bus Routes in Westbourne. In the days of Bournemouth Corporation Transport, Westbourne was served by a tram service that ran from Bournemouth Square all the way to Poole Railway Station. This ceased when Hants & Dorset Motor Services (originally Bournemouth & District Motor Services) started a motor bus service along the…

Simon and the Grand Bingo, Westbourne

Posted on 22/06/2016 By

View from the balcony. The Grand Bingo, Westbourne.

Simon and the Grand Bingo, Westbourne. Travelling through Westbourne on Poole Road, you can’t help but notice the Grand Bingo, Westbourne. Built as the Grand Cinema and seating 1,000, it opened on 18 December 1922 to “Anthony & Cleopatra”. Initially built and operated as an independent cinema, it was soon taken over by Savoy Cinemas,…

Guide to Listed Buildings in Westbourne

Posted on 20/06/2016 By

Seamoor Road aspect of Westbourne Arcade at Night.

A Guide to Listed Buildings in Westbourne There are a number of listed buildings in Westbourne. All but one are Grade II. The exception is St Ambrose Church, which is listed as Grade II*. All of these buildings add to the character of the area. Most can be enjoyed by the public – in particular,…

A Quick Look at Buildings in Westbourne

Posted on 19/06/2016 By

Shops in Poole Road, Westbourne. Always worth looking above the shopfronts at the remains of the original buildings.

A Quick Look at Buildings in Westbourne So far, I have been concentrating on the main areas looking at the buildings in Westbourne. As with many towns and villages, there are always buildings that have a story to tell. Some are obvious, others less so. For example, the Grand Bingo Hall (the former Grand Cinema)…