Seamoor Road

Westbourne Summer Festival 2016 – Sun

Westbourne Summer Festival 2016 – Sun 14 August. It’s the final day of the Westbourne Summer Festival 2016! Loads of events for this climax – all with the aim of putting Westbourne firmly on the map. There is a massive choice of activities to enjoy, in many locations. Take a look at the list below,…

Westbourne Summer Festival 2016 – Sat

Westbourne Summer Festival 2016 – Sat 13 August. 8-14 August is when the Westbourne Summer Festival 2016 is happening! Loads of events throughout the week – all with the aim of putting Westbourne firmly on the map. There is a massive choice of activities to enjoy, in many locations. Take a look at the list…

Westbourne Supermarkets – food stores

Westbourne Supermarkets – Main Food Shops. For a relatively small area, there is a good choice of Westbourne Supermarkets. Within the main shopping area, there are four good food stores. Although all small by modern standards, they can provide the main food needs for the family.

Westbourne in Bloom – Progress Update

Westbourne in Bloom – A Quick Update. Since I last reported on Westbourne in Bloom, shortly after the baskets were planted, the flowers have grown and come further into bloom. Poole Road and Seamoor Road in particular are becoming a blaze of colour. The baskets on the crash barriers opposite Marks & Spencer are a…

Westbourne Car Parks and Parking

Westbourne Car Parks and Parking. If you want to visit Westbourne, unless you are coming by public transport (see Bus Routes page), you are likely to want to find somewhere to park your car. There are five Westbourne Car Parks – four right in the main shopping centre. The other one is on the site…

A Brief Look at Bus Routes in Westbourne

A Brief Look at Bus Routes in Westbourne. In the days of Bournemouth Corporation Transport, Westbourne was served by a tram service that ran from Bournemouth Square all the way to Poole Railway Station. This ceased when Hants & Dorset Motor Services (originally Bournemouth & District Motor Services) started a motor bus service along the…

A brief look at Churches in Westbourne, Dorset

Churches in Westbourne, Dorset. For a relatively small area, there are perhaps more churches in Westbourne than you might expect. There are two substantial Church of England churches, as well as a Baptist Church and a Catholic Church. The former Methodist Church still stands, although no longer serving its original function. Today’s blog is intended…

Seamoor Road – North Side

Westbourne’s Seamoor Road (North Side). Today, we are looking at the shops and businesses on the north side of Seamoor Road. Again, we shall start at the eastern end. As we approach the junction and turn left, our eyes are drawn to the mix of retail outlets before us. A gentle stroll along this side…

Seamoor Road – South Side

Westbourne’s Seamoor Road (South Side). Having looked at the Arcade, our next journey is around Seamoor Road. Approaching from the Bournemouth Town Centre direction, we reach a junction where, to continue towards Poole, we have to bear left. The road is lined with shops on both sides. On today’s blog, we are looking at the…