
100 Years of Hants and Dorset Buses – Poole Celebration

100 Years of Hants and Dorset Buses – Poole Celebration. Sunday 10 July saw the celebration of 100 years of Hants and Dorset buses. Once a familiar sight in the Bournemouth area, including Westbourne, the name has been replaced by the More Bus brand. Historic vehicles were gathered together on show on Poole Quayside. Many…

A Brief Look at Bus Routes in Westbourne

A Brief Look at Bus Routes in Westbourne. In the days of Bournemouth Corporation Transport, Westbourne was served by a tram service that ran from Bournemouth Square all the way to Poole Railway Station. This ceased when Hants & Dorset Motor Services (originally Bournemouth & District Motor Services) started a motor bus service along the…

Bournemouth West Station, Westbourne, Dorset

Bournemouth West Station. Opened on 15 June 1874 by the Poole & Bournemouth Railway, Bournemouth West Station was the terminus of the line from Poole. Initially, it consisted of just two platforms. However, by 1886, the line had been doubled and extended on to Bournemouth East. At this time the Central Station did not exist….