
Westbourne Supermarkets – food stores

Westbourne Supermarkets – Main Food Shops. For a relatively small area, there is a good choice of Westbourne Supermarkets. Within the main shopping area, there are four good food stores. Although all small by modern standards, they can provide the main food needs for the family.

Getting to Know You – Interviews on Westbourne Life

Getting to Know You – Interviews on Westbourne Life. Do you run a business in Westbourne? Then Westbourne Life would love to interview you. Part of the what this Blog is all about is to find out what makes Westbourne tick. It’s not just the businesses, the coffee shops, bistros and bars, etc, but the…

Westbourne Car Parks and Parking

Westbourne Car Parks and Parking. If you want to visit Westbourne, unless you are coming by public transport (see Bus Routes page), you are likely to want to find somewhere to park your car. There are five Westbourne Car Parks – four right in the main shopping centre. The other one is on the site…

Why Come to Westbourne, Dorset?

Why Come to Westbourne, Dorset? Westbourne, Dorset (not to be confused with the other one in Hampshire) has been dubbed an “Urban Village”. It is very much an integral part of the conurbation of Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole. However, it manages to maintain not only its identity, but a life of its own. So often,…

Poole Road – North Side

Westbourne’s Poole Road (North Side). Having looked at the south side, we return to the former Royal Victoria Hospital, and continue along the north side of Poole Road. Almost immediately, we come across two retirement homes. Interestingly, they are in total contrast to each other. One is a very modern and attractive purpose-built facility, the…